E-Mail Delivery
When you send an asset by e-mail, you make it accessible to other persons. They may be other users or persons with no access to the Media Pool module. You can send the asset as an attachment or link. When sending assets by e-mail, you can change them using rendering schemes.

When sending an asset by e-mail, you choose whether to add the asset to the e-mail as a link or an attachment.
As link: Activate the checkbox to create and send a link for each asset. One asset can be downloaded via the link. The options specified in the rendering scheme determine the output format. Note that the link may have a validity period. If you have any questions, please contact your system administrator.
: Activate the checkbox to send the asset or the created output format via e-mail as an attachment. Multiple assets are automatically packed into a ZIP file.

If assets are sent as a link, you can choose which version is linked to.
: The link always refers to the version that is active at the time that the link is created. If an additional version is uploaded at a later stage, the link references the older version.
: The link always refers to the version that is active at the time that the asset is downloaded via the link. If an additional version is uploaded at a later stage, the link references the newer version that is now active.
: The link refers to the version that is marked as official at the time that the asset is downloaded via the link. If an additional version is marked as official at a later stage, the link references the version that is now official.

: This deletes the asset from your download.
: This opens the detailed view of the asset.
Subject: Change the automatic subject text if required.
Recipient: Write the e-mail address of the recipient in the input field.
Copy to: Enter an e-mail address to which you want to send a copy of the message.
Copy to myself: Activate this checkbox to send a copy of the message to the e-mail address that is defined for you in the system.
: Enter the text of your e-mail in the input field. You can use the drop-down box to select from the most recently used cover letters.

Select one or more assets.
Click ⋮>Send as e-mail on a single search result or in the asset's detailed view. To download several selected assets at the same time, first click the Menu button above the search result and then > Send as e-mail.
>The dialog Send as e-mail opens. Any assets that you have selected are added to your download automatically. The preview images of the selected assets are displayed in the Assets requested for e-mail dispatch section.
Select an appropriate rendering scheme.
If required, add a playlist. For more information, see .
If you want to edit images, open the image editing functions. For more information, see Image Editor.
If you want to send assets that require approval, request approval for these assets. For more information, see Requesting Download Approval.
If you want to save assets that are subject to licenses, confirm the license conditions. For more information, see Accepting a License.
If you require a license extension, request the extension. For more information, see Apply for License Extension.
Enter the information necessary to send the e-mail. Mandatory fields are marked with *.
If you are sending the assets as a link, define the options for the download links.
Click Send as e-mail.
You have sent the assets by e-mail.

Note the special issues for sending InDesign files with linked images. For more information, see Using InDesign Files.